Театральная компания ЗМ
Woody Allen

Central park west

Moscow Art Theatre
Presented in the frame of Russian Case
Участник программы «Russian Case» Фестиваля 2017 года
Director: Konstantin Bogomolov
Age category 18+

Woody Allen wrote a comedy about the crisis of relationships and values (including family values, obviously) among the happy Manhattan bourgeoisie with their adulteries, betrayal of girlfriends, strong alcohol and a series of revelations. Following the spirit of the original Konstantin Bogomolov attained from his artists the desired mixture of cynicism and naturalness; thereby he transplanted the American plot with its bohemian chic onto Russian soil. This is a performance where everybody keeps to the genre and keenly feels the difference between a good joke and banality. There is no provocation and no expectations from the director to change any meanings, but a well-structured and free play which suddenly uncovers the actors as people – ordinary, sometimes unhappy, sometimes happy and extremely close to the audience. Bogomolov demonstrates in this production his ability to achieve a new naturalness inside a tightly restricted genre scheme.

Kristina Matvienko