Театральная компания ЗМ


Independent Project by Konstantin Matulevsky and Sofia Gaidukova, Moscow
Presented in the frame of Russian Case 2018
Contemporary dance
Directors: Konstantin Matulevsky, Sofia Gaidukova
Age category 12+
The duet of two well-known Russian dancers and choreographers – Sofia Gaidukova and Konstantin Matulevsky – who work a lot and very diversely both in contemporary dance and in drama, is devoted to the exploration of personal memory. Both have a powerful academic school as their background (besides all other things, Matulevsky worked at St.Petersburg Ballet under the direction of Boris Eifman) and are very open minded, well-suited to the individualistic character of contemporary dance. Living freely in their performance-confession, the authors of Memoriae express themselves not only with their bodies but also with words. To be more precise, they transpose very different kinds of speech, including old tape-recorder records, into the language of the body. Mixing personal memories and brief impressions born right in front of spectators' eyes creates the effect of being present in two epochs simultaneously: in the past and in the present. The elegant, highly technical and declaratively simple dance, the retro homelike appearance of the performers, the ironic manner of the intonation – all this makes Memoriae an up-do-date expressive creation which has luckily avoided any kind of pathos.

The production has been nominated for the Golden Mask Award – 2018.

Kristina Matvienko

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