Театральная компания ЗМ


Stanislavsky Electrotheatre, Moscow
Presented in the frame of Russian Case 2018
Instruction in the Idiotic Foundations of the Soul.
Fyodor Dostoevsky and Gottfried Leibniz

Director: Klim Kozinsky, Asya Andrianova
Set designer: Anastasia Nefyodova
Age category 18+
“Idiotology” is a visionary phantasy of a young director based on combining two texts, Fyodor Dostoevsky’s “Idiot” and “Die Monadologie” treatise by German philosopher and mathematician Gottfried Leibniz written in 1714. The idea behind this very non-trivial set-up is that Prince Myshkin is obsessed with a tender passion for uniting the heavens and the earth, the human world. According to Leibniz, the center of the ideal world is the soul, or its simpler form – the monade. But trying to conquer the world with a philosophical idea can lead to destroying oneself and everything around. In Klim Kozinsky’s production, stylized by stage designer Anastasia Nefyodova to remind us of Margitte’s paintings, psychological attacks of characters aimed at each other are supported by Leibniz’ idea and also its refutation. In other words, we have in front of our eyes an example of intellectually well-fitted theatre talking about a mania in the language of dreamlike scenes.
Klim Kozinsky studied in Kiev, then at Boris Yuhananov’s Individual Directing Workshop, after that he assisted directors Teodoros Terzopulos and Heiner Goebbels at Stanislavsky Electrotheatre; he debuted in the movies with the film “Tetragrammaton” – a comic strip about philosophers, which received numerous professional prizes and was shown at a number of Russian and international festivals.

Kristina Matvienko

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