Театральная компания ЗМ


Coproduction of Praktika Theatre and Brusnikin School, Moscow
Presented in the frame of Russian Case 2020
based on Vladimir Sorokin`s play

Director: Yury Kvyatkovsky
Plasticity Director: Alexander Shuisky
Set designer: Polina Bakhtina
In the chief diagnostician of the post-Soviet space Vladimir Sorokin’s dystopia Russia exists according to the model of a secret mission. For the “Spin” mission to succeed you have to put on headphones and, using a 3-channel wiretap and surveillance cameras, follow the life of Moscow elite. “Rublevka” family is having lazy breakfast in their country estate: champagne, caviar, pancakes, soup, vodka. They talk about art; they are sculpting, rapping and smoking weed. Unfortunately for them, the “Spin” mission will be successful: members of the corrupt elite will be neutralized deftly and surreally by special agents. For Sorokin’s play, Yury Kvyatkovsky has used a concise and accurate move: every spectator becomes a part of the surveillance system, a part of the Russia which is always ready to arrest and to be arrested.

Anastasia Pauker

According to the director, the audience is listening to the performance with headphones and, in fact, they choose its route by switching the audio tracks indicated by three different colors. If you choose the green track you will hear a monologue of a parrot-man who is reading the texts of Dmitry Prigov; the blue track is an inconsistent interview of Sorokin himself, and the red one reproduces the sound of voices of the characters standing directly on the stage. The monitor screen, which broadcasts video from surveillance cameras installed in the house, offers peeping and eavesdropping on the heroes, as in a reality show, by switching on the audio channels...

Nezavisimaya Dayly

We can watch the history of a wealthy company in a rich villa near Moscow, it’s all recognizable, you will recognize all these people, then you can switch to some texts of Sorokin and Prigov, and then you can switch back. Everything is ordinary and recognizable, but you understand that this can collapse at any time. This is not just a private party, but a huge Russian reality - creepy, funny and various. This story is about Russia as a whole.


The action begins even before the audience enters the hall: men in civilian clothes offer to take headphones, leave fingerprints and see photos of suspects. This is followed by a briefing: "Friends of the state, today we are going to wiretap."


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